Full Body Detox

Requirement: 1 Session Every 4 to 6 Weeks, requiring 3 sessions
Duration: Each session goes for approximately 40-45 mins 
Price: $190ps 
This treatment is the head of all treatments! As it helps cleanse the body from head to toe, via the Lymphatic System.
We target the individuals lymphatic system using Hijama placed on the individuals vital organs. Removing the stagnated lymph fluid and acidic waste the body produces over time and neglect of health.
The lymphatic system does not have its own working mechanism. 70% of our body waste is channelled into the spine and 30% to the right shoulder.

Vital Organ Detox Helps:

– Stimulate the lymphatic system and release local toxins
– Clear blockages and stagnated circulation
– Activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries
– Realign/balance vital energy and help neurological disorders
– Promote and improve circulation
– Help some blood disorders, neurological disorders, but not broken bones.
– Reduces anxiety and depression by sedating the central nervous system 

Effects of Hijama on the body using the Vital Organ Detox:

Nervous System- Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy expands and clears vessels in the spine, neck and skull. It promotes excellent blood flow and oxygenation to these areas. It allows all systems in the body to function effectively, as the brain is well nourished and releasing neurotransmitters normally.

Immune System- It increases white blood cells and boosts immune system. It strengthens resistance to disease and inflammation. It protects against Pathogens and thus, sickness. The localized “bruising” or skin coloration caused by the dry cupping activates white blood cells and heals the body quickly and efficiently. Hijama improves general health and makes a person strong. It is a preventative and curative therapy.

Circulatory System – It removes toxic, stagnant blood and changes acidic blood in to alkaline or neutral blood by producing more white blood cells. Therefore, it purifies irritants which cause inflammation and pain. It facilitates the ample blood flow through the arteries and blood vessels due to the pull of low pressure from the cupping. So blood remains thin and active. Every organ in the body needs nourishment from the blood to maintain healthy, normal functions. The blood passes throughout the entire body, nourishing tissues, and boosting the immune system. It is excellent for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and other coronary or blood conditions.

Respiratory System – The increased blood flow around the heart, body and lungs allows for all body parts to receive oxygen properly. Breathing and lung conditions are eased as energy is shifted around the body and there is free flowing blood and qi.

Endocrine System- The Glands; Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Adrenal, Ovaries and Testicles usually tend to be imbalanced and the main cause of sickness in people. Hijama revitalises and nourishes these with good blood flow, oxygen and qi. As these are balanced, the Patient will feel a general sense of well being as these glands control our hormones, mood and so many other biological factors.

Lymphatic System- Stagnant lymph fluid and blood are circulated and expelled out of the body. The whole lymphatic drainage system is able to work effectively and flush out toxins and other problematic substances from the body.
Many individuals associate Hijama with the clearance of toxins and morbidities from the body via the microcirculatory system and they would be correct in their thinking. However there is more to Hijama than simply removing blood stasis. It allows the clearance of any occlusions in the Lymphatic ducts which are part of the greater Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is made up of lymphatic vessels (similar to blood vessels) and lymph nodes (glands) that extend throughout the body. It helps maintain the balance of fluid in the body by draining excess fluid from the tissues of the body and returning it to the blood system. It is important in the body’s defence mechanism, filtering out bacteria and also (along with the spleen) producing disease-fighting lymphocytes (white blood cells), generating antibodies that are so essential to the body’s immune system. The fluid that circulates in the system is called lymph. In addition to lymph, the system includes lymphatic capillaries and large vessels, lymph nodes (glands), the spleen, the tonsils and the thymus. Besides forming lymphocytes and antibodies, the lymphatic system is also responsible for the collection of fatty globules from the intestine and their transmission through the mesenteric glands and the thoracic duct into the bloodstream.

(cancer patients/ remission patients)
As the lymph circulates between the cells, it collects waste matter including dead blood cells, toxic material and, if present, some cancer cells. While blood is responsible for collecting and distributing oxygen, nutrients and hormones nourishing the entire body, the lymphatic system is responsible for collecting and removing waste products in tissues, acting as a systematic garbage collection service! When this waste is not collected adequately or effectively, it congregates as a localized congestion. Waste-laden lymph is filtered by lymph nodes that are located throughout the body, some superficially under the skin and others situated deeper in tissue in the abdomen and neck, under the arms and the intercostal spaces both to the front and back of the rib cage. The function of these lymph nodes is to remove some fluid and toxic matter as well as killing many pathogens. They are also sometimes responsible for trapping cancerous cells, slowing down the spread of the disease. Often in such cases as cancer the lymph nodes become blocked (occluded). This is where Hijama Therapy can assist in the removal of these blockages and stagnant fluids and have the lymph channels clear to allow the lymphatic system to operate freely once again. 

**please note: If a patient deems to be contraindicated by extreme weakness and frail health, irrespective of age, will not be treated. Medication that thins out the blood (anticoagulants, anti-platelets, blood pressure), and Cancer in late stages(3+). Individuals with health conditions must consult with their General practitioner or from their medical professional for a clearance to have Hijama preformed in their current medical conditions. Advice should not be construed as a substitute for a medical examination, diagnosis, advice or treatment.